We Are Your Certified Designated Probate & Trust Specialists
Probate is the legal procedure wherein the genuineness and legality of a will are established. The term “probate” can also describe the process of handling the estate of a deceased individual who died without a will. A Will’s presence, authenticity, and legality are essential issues in most probate processes. The existence of a will is not a prerequisite for starting the probate process.
Is probate necessary for all estates?

If the value of the assets that are subject to probate at the time of death does not exceed $184,500, then the California Probate Code states that no probate is required. However, vehicles and other non-cash assets are not counted toward the $184,500 threshold.

In many cases, several procedures must be followed to properly close out an estate from a legal standpoint. The laws governing probate and the length of time it takes to complete can vary from one state to the next, but these steps are typically necessary.

  • Step 1: Petition for probate must be filed.

    Submit a request in the deceased’s home county. A legitimate will and death certificate must be filed along with the petition. This is also where court hearings occur.


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  • Step 2: Send notice
  • Step 3: Inventory and Appraisal

  • Step 4: Manage bills and debts.

  • Step 5: Divide the remaining assets.

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Probate Fees in California

Probate fees must also be considered during the process. In California, an executor and his attorney’s right to fees is absolutely statutory. Executor and attorney fees are usually a percentage of the deceased’s estate.

The statutory probate fees in California are broken down as follows:

4% probate fees on the first $100,000
3% probate fees on the next $100,000
2% probate fees on the next $800,000
1% probate fees on the next $9,000,000
0.5% probate fees on the next $15,000,000
The court will establish an appropriate compensation amount if the estate is valued greater than $25,000,000.
If you are interested to learn more about probate or the different probate costs in California, please feel free to contact our staff today to get started.